Sunday, October 3, 2010

What other fuel sources may be used in the future?

Hydrogen-powered fuel cells hold the promise as a clean source of power for electric motors, without the limitations of batteries. In a fuel cell, hydrogen is burned in a pollution-free chemical reaction where the fuel cell combines hydrogen and oxygen to produce electricity, water and waste heat. Since hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe, it seems like the best replacement for more limited resources like oil. However, due to production costs and refueling limitations, manufacturers estimate that road-ready hydrogen-powered vehicles are at least a decade away. In addition to hydrogen fuel cells, engineers continue to experiment with alternative fuels such as biodiesel, natural gas, ethanol, methanol and propane-as well as fuel made from corn, soybeans, grass and sugar beets. Concept vehicles are being tested and some are even being used in commercial situations, like buses and other commercial vehicles that run on diesel. These fuels may represent a new breed of hybrid beyond the still gas-polluting engines of the current crop of HEVs.
Read more on alternative fuel vehicles

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